
In August 2023 we finished interviews with 53 participants.

As of April 2024 we have finished and are sending out the very last narrative summaries to participants for their review and approval.

We are also continuing to build on the work of sociology students from York University who developed interactive educational outputs on egg donation as part of their course work. The first one — “My Eggsperience” — is available here.

We are also starting to present some of the preliminary findings. If you’re interested, we will be presenting some of this work on May 15, 2024 as part of an event at the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies at the University of British Columbia (hybrid — online and in person).

publications and presentations

Alana Cattapan (w/ Kathleen Hammond and Vanessa Gruben). Exploring Canadians' Experiences of Assisted Reproduction: A Snapshot of Current Empirical Research Studies. Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC. 15 May 2024. (virtual)

Alana Cattapan. Considérations juridiques pour les donneuses d’ovules. Aux marges de la procréation médicalement assistée : nouvelles populations, techniques et normes. Acfas, Ottawa, ON. 14 Mai 2024.

Alana Cattapan (w/ Kathleen Hammond and Vanessa Gruben). “Ova Obscura: Egg Donors in Canada” (initial analysis on legal agreements). Feminist Law and the Family. Osgoode Law School, Toronto, ON, Canada. 10 May 2024.

Alana Cattapan. “Lab-Made Gametes in the Clinic: Who Would Benefit? Who Should Decide?” Biopolitical Times. 19 June 2023.

Alana Cattapan. “Ova Obscura: Egg Donors in Canada.” Conception and Its Discontents. Motherhood and Technology Group, Columbia Centre for the Study of Social Difference, Columbia University, New York, New York, US. 8 May 2023.

Alana Cattapan (panellist). In Vitro Derived Human Gametes as a Reproductive Technology. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Washington DC, US. 20 April 2023.

Vanessa Gruben, Kathleen Hammond, and Alana Cattapan. “Empirical Research on Assisted Reproduction in Canada.” Politics of Reproduction Speakers’ Series, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada.13 January 2023.